Tuesday, May 23, 2006

A Very Muddy Weekend

For anyone who's reading this from another country let me firstly point out that according to every news report England is in the middle of the worst drought for twenty years.

Bearing this in mind the weather gods decided it was about time we had a few years worth of rain in one weekend. Unfortunately it just happened to be the same weekend that the Essex Young Farmers had put on their country show. The young farmers show is one of the few shows every year that I book to display some of my stuff and hopefully meet up with loads of people and maybe get some bookings.

The omens were bad on Saturday when we struggled to get the cars anywhere near the marquee. Tractors were pulling vans and cars around the site in an effort to get people to their areas. Sunday was the day of the show and it had continued to rain overnight so now when we attempt to get to the showground Nothing can move on the site unless it's a four wheel drive. In no time at all the complete site was a thick sludgey mess, the stalls selling wellies made a complete fortune!

Anyway it was great to chat to so many people I was genually surprised how many of you had signed up for the free online training (look on my site under tips). Anyway after a good show (as good as it could be) it was time to pack up needless to say getting the cars anywhere near the marquee was a non starter and anyone that tried ended up stuck and waiting for a tractor.

So after many trips carrying framed images and boards through ankle high mud about 500m it was time to attempt to drive out of the car park. As luck would have it the cars managed to get out of the field (not before spraying mud all over the cars). So that's how the weekend went ... Having said that it was thoroughly worth being there ...... Lets hope this drought doesn't carry on for too long!

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