Friday, May 26, 2006

Canon Plans to Stop Film Cameras?

No great shocks but the big rumour that's set the emails going is Canon withdrawing its film cameras. I guess it was inevitable after Nikon announced the same thing a couple of months ago.

Canon are attempting to keep it quiet at the moment as they still have warehouses full of film bodies they need to shift to the unsuspecting public.

Also setting the emails going is the Photoshop CS3 rumour. Depending on who you listen to it's between 2 and 8 months away. Interestingly Adobe have refused to comment on the rumors. Also another interesting thing I read was Microsoft have invented a new form of image that is of a higher quality than JPG but takes less space. They intend to launch it very soon and claim it will fast become the high quality way of capturing images. If it takes off (and who would bet against Microsoft) I guess there'll be a huge rush of digital cameras that use this technology I bet the camera manufacturers love it when everyone is forced to change their cameras again.

Whilst we're on the subject of Microsoft I recently started getting really annoying grey lines around web pages I was visiting which meant I had to double click on web pages to open links etc. I figured it was a setting I had set myself and would eventually find a way of switching it off. However I've since found out that it was an update to internet explorer that happened without my knowledge and was downloaded automatically. ....... I can almost hear you saying , "I thought it was just me" anyway I have now found a solution. I now use Firefox as my web browser so Microsoft because of your annoying stupid grey box you just lost a customer!

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