Monday, April 16, 2007

Shoot to Sell

Over the last couple of days I've been putting the final pieces together in preparation for my "shoot to sell" two day course next week (23 - 24 April). I don't mind saying I'm really excited about the whole thing and can't wait to meet up with you guys who have already booked your places. Its going to be a massive two days so get lots of sleep and come with your engines burning.

I set about writing this course over a year ago when photographers began e-mailing me asking for help in marketing etc. I realised that for any entrepreneur there are three crucial areas that are necessary to be truly successful. The first is the talent to create whatever it is you are hoping to sell (in my case photography). The second is the ability to attract enough customers to make it financially viable and the third is the ability to ensure every customer receives a great sales experience.

I hear of so many talented photographers who struggle to pay their bills whilst others who are more mediocre appear to do incredibly well. Anyone who knows me will tell you, I always have time to try and help any other photographer (apart from the guy who keeps sending me his A level homework).

Shoot to sell has been written and designed to help out anyone who believes they have the drive and skill to make themselves a success.

There are still places available so if you think this could help you just drop me an e-mail or ring me on 01376 567995 and we can have a chat . I can't wait to hear of your success stories after having introduced a few of my methods.

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