Thursday, April 12, 2007

Adobe CS3 Rip Off?

It would appear that photographers and creatives in Europe have been targeted as easy prospects.

Adobe released its new version of photoshop two weeks ago (CS3) which as most photographers know is the essential software and is a complete must have.

However it transpires that it is 190% more expensive in Europe than America. Considering it can be downloaded via an Internet connection how can this be?

Adobe have attempted to counter this criticism stating that the different languages in Europe mean it is in fact a different product. If that's the case why can't photoshop spell colour correctly? Or is it just a lie?

Photographers are being urged to sign the online petition here which Adobe are already beginning to panic about. If you don't appreciate being ripped off sign up and also forward on to anyone and everyone you know.


  1. This kind of pricing has been going on for a long time. Several years ago I bought Dreamweaver from the US online store of Macromedia (now part of Adobe) for $199, while in the UK it cost the equivalent of about $350. Not long after they stopped customers from outside the US using the US store. I've signed the petition by the way, hopefully if we can get them to notice other companies will follow.

  2. Done! (We have been!)

  3. As a follow up, I've just taken part in a survey from Adobe. One of the answers for not upgrading to CS3 is that the "price premium in Europe is too high". Maybe they are taking notice (although probably not).


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