Pin ItLast week I had the honour of being asked to photograph Lisa and Ian's wedding blessing in Chigwell. Being that it was Christmas just made it even more special, luckily the snow had held off and we even managed to get a rainbow in some of the shots. Click below to see some of their images from their truly magnificent day.
You can also download this video through i-tunes (then add it to your i-phone or i player) by clicking here i-tunes download.
Christmas is all about the kids and I'm lucky enough to have two great young god children who their Dad was kind enough to bring round the other day. You could literally see the pleasure in their eyes as the day gets nearer, purely magical.
Whilst they were here they decorated some special Christmas Biscuits two of which now have pride of place on the Christmas tree. Take a look at this short video showing some of the fun we had. We also ventured outside for a while but the snow meant we didn't stay out too long.
On another thought I've just about finished driving around delivering various photography type gifts ordered by my clients. It's amusing meeting in lay-byes, distant pubs and work locations as couples try and keep their gift ideas secret from each other. This year I had the fun of meeting a husband in one location and his wife in another location (an hour later), neither of them new about the others idea and I was sworn to secrecy by both of them. I guess it shows they both loved the pictures we took earlier in the year.
A few days ago my blackberry decided the little ball used to navigate around the menus would no longer work. This caused me problems and rendered my phone unable to carry out anything but making and receiving calls. 3 years ago that would have been all I would have wanted but having been spoiled with instant access to e-mails, and my diary plus a limited web access (about as good as dial up) all of a sudden it was like I'd lost an arm.
So a phone call to my supplier shows that I'm due for a free upgrade. I'd heard the hype of the new i-phone and had a play on one in America last year which I must say impressed me so when it was offered I took it up.
What makes this so much better than anything else I'm aware of is its ability (much like a PC) to download software and personalise it. For example one of my favourite apps i've discovered is imapmyrun. The basics are you press start when you run the phone then logs your route using its built in GPS you press stop when you finish. The i-phone shows you your route tells you how far and fast you've gone and adds any hills etc to its calculations. Not happy with that it then uploads the information to a website (if you choose) where you can track your training efforts over the months. The cost for this .... zero, the app and web site is all free, of course you can upgrade if you wish but if your happy with the basic package (like me) it's fantastic.
Another great trick is it's ability to connect to the net either via 3g or if you're in a wireless network area you get the full broadband effect. Watching TV live (including sky sports) or the various catch up videos all on your phone. Not to mention listening to any radio station in the world (handy if you want to know American Football scores and you live in England).
There are thousands of apps available that suit any hobbies (bird watching, football scores, learn languages etc) and many of them are free. Whilst on my run I tend to listen to books I would like to read but haven't been able to find the time previously, currently I'm listening to this one, which surprise surprise is also free.
Has the i-phone changed my life for the better? Very much so, now all I need is for people to advise me on some of the best apps, don't be shy.
Is there anything more annoying in life than an intermittent fault? You know the sort of thing, like the car that only starts when it feels like it but behaves perfectly every time it's taken anywhere near a garage.
On the wedding last weekend one of my flashes decided to work to rule. I'm sure anyone who takes pictures will realise that the timing of an image is a vital aspect when capturing real moments in time. The last thing a photographer needs is that nagging thought of, is the camera going to fire when I push the button. Of course I try and plan for every eventuality and is one of the reasons I carry so much equipment on a wedding. My car is heavily loaded with up to 5 cameras and three separate flashes, not including spare tripods and studio lighting etc. The majority of the equipment never sees the light of day and stays securely in the boot but the thought of it being there just makes the nerves settle that much easier.
So having successfully substituted the faulty kit and finished the job it was time to inspect the camera and flash for anything obvious. It became apparent that a trip to the repair shop was in order. A trip into Central London (Oh Joy) to Fixation and quick chat with the repair team sees me leaving my camera/flash with them to investigate and report. Fixation are authorised Nikon and Canon (apparently some people use Canon) repairers and also have a thriving hire and sales section. It's interesting to spend half an hour or so just looking at the various equipment they have on display. I must admit I was very tempted by the roller style camera bags, perfect for those long haul flights and a really cool solar panel for running a laptop ... hmmmm.
A couple of days later a phonecall tells me the camera is ready, the culprit being the hotshoe, I had guessed this to be the case and was pleased when my theory was confirmed. I had feared a chase the fault exercise, where everything that can be replaced is replaced in an effort to find a fault (I used to work in the motor trade). I've tested it several times and all seems in order. The true test will be this weekend at a Bar mitzvar i'm shooting, The backups are all on charge just in case.
So all in all I'm very pleased with the service ... just wish they weren't in the city.
Pin ItThis Sunday I had the honour of photographing Vanessa and Williams wedding. The whole wedding took place at the Chancery Court Hotel in Holburn London. This hotel is fast becoming one of my favourite locations to work in the city and certainly ranks amongst the best (the Land mark followed by the Savoy are still my personal favourites). As a special surprise for the couple, the brides father had booked the three waiters. This is the second event i've worked with these guys and both times they have been absolutely astounding, I honestly can't say enough about what they add to an event. Without wishing to give too much away the basics are these guys are hidden Opera singers, as always they brought an exceptional twist to the event.
A truly fantastic wedding with beautiful people who I'm sure all had a magnificent day.
A couple of weeks ago the British American Football season 2009 finished with it's annual finals. the games were played at the keepmoat Stadium in Doncaster.
This year the Colchester Gladiators had achieved the honour of being the southern champions in Div 2 there BritBowl final was against the Leicester Falcons.
I set out to instead of simple shoot the game to capture the day from as a player would experience it.
Above is a short slide show of images that tell the story form the Gladiators point of view. The game itself has been touted as the best game ever played on British soil .... when you're on the wrong side of a one point game that's hard to believe.
Pin ItLast weekend I was honoured to be asked to photograph Brads Bar Mitzvar party. The party was held at Brocket Hall an amazing place and a photographers dream.
You really are spoilt for choice when it comes to backgrounds, every time you turn round there's more places to shoot, absolutely incredible.
The week before I'd also photographed the actual Bar Mitzvar practise in the synagogue. Because of religious reasons the actual ceremony is held on Saturdays and is not photographed. The party went without a hitch and was fantastic! entertainment was supplied by Europes best football skills player and some pretty morbid magicians, that happily shoved nails up their noses amongst other things (the teenagers loved them).
Is there a better job on the planet? I don't think so.
OK, so I've been hearing from a lot of friends in the business how hard this year is getting and that their ever shrinking amount of clients is starting to be a worry. I then think about the new guys coming into this, the best business on the planet, and it concerns me they are really getting the bad end. Not only do they have very few return clients, many are just starting out and are unsure of how to attract the new business necessary to pay the bills. It worries me that the people with the photographic skills could be falling at the first hurdle because of todays market. I'm very excited to announce that I've just finished writing a one day course that's going to blow your mind, one day and you will walk away with the knowledge and a plan of how to be that business you want to be.
It's aimed at any photographers who have mastered the skills needed to take pictures but are currently struggling to gain the business they want. Anyone that has already signed up for my free photography tips on my website will get the info as soon as it's published (if you haven't signed up yet do it now ).I'll also put the details up here in the next day or so.
I'm just waiting for confirmation from the hotel on the date then i'll release the details. I'm sure you're capable of making a success of you're business and I want to help you with it.
The course will cost £250 and i'm so confident in the content that i'll make this promise to you. If at the end of the day you don't think it has been worth it and the methods and secrets i've released to you won't work, i'll give you your money back! Read that sentence again ... that's a cast iron guarantee that if you don't think it's worth it you'll get YOUR MONEY BACK.
Any questions don't hesitate to e-mail me (click the ask me a question on the right).
A couple of years ago I discovered the joys of the "What the Duck" cartoon strip ( You can vist the WTD website here ). It's a comic strip about a duck who's occupation is a photographer. He gets into the scrapes that all photographers have seen at some time with funny outcomes. Anyway watch the video above to see one of the many reasons why I hate photographing people in a studio setting. You can subscribe via i-tunes to my video's via podcast by clicking here
Pin ItA couple of days ago I twitted about what I call my Photographers assistant. It's something that i find invaluable and thought I'd pass on the information just to make anyone else who shoots weddings life a little easier.
Congratulations to Kerry and Andy on their recently announced engagement. Kerry's from Derbyshire and Andy lives in Peterborough, so it made sense for us to do an engagement photographic shoot in Essex :-).
It was a fun time spent by the river in the sunshine (it's not often that we get the chance). Click on play below to run the slideshow of some more of their images.
On another note I was chatting to a friend the other day and they noted about how many more photographers there are now and should we be worried. My answer, in short no. If someone has the ability and skill set to survive in todays market they deserve to be there. However there are plenty of want to be's out there who will struggle. You can normally tell these types as their websites are full of shots of brides and grooms but interestingly there are no shots of guests, best men etc.
The reason being, the brides and grooms are probably hired models and the shots were taken in controlled atmosphere with models who know exactly what looks good. Typically these shots are taken on training days where another skilled photographer has set up the shot and the delogates have taken the photograph (a bit like uncle bobs at a wedding).
As a general rule of thumb if a photographers site doesn't have actual wedding shots (with guests etc) they're probably inexperienced and not real wedding photographers.
Congratulations to the Colchester Gladiators American football team after their massive win last Sunday over the London Olympians.
Before the game both teams were unbeaten they are hotly tipped as the teams to beat in the race for the playoffs and national championship.
The London Olympians are the most successful British team in history and have sent more players to the NFL than any other British team. The Gladiators hadn't beaten the Olympians for 23 years. In fact the gladiators first official game was against the Olympians 26 years ago. The final result was 28 - 16. However it doesn't end there, as the national finals are a North v South affair it is highly likely this will not be the only time the two teams meet this season.
Pin ItCongratulations to Ruben and his family on a fantastic Bar Mitzvah party at the Chancery court Hotel in Holburn. It was a truly fantastic day / evening and I'm sure everyone who cam had a fantastic time.
I love working in the central London hotels as they are so "fantastic" inside and really add to anyones day. Every where you turn there's fantastic backgrounds which make for great photographs a photographers dream.
Of course the drawbacks of central London is the parking, however on this day I must have been lucky as I actually managed to park right outside the hotel the first time ever. Regardless the party went fantastically well with live music from probably my favourite party band "mixed feelings" also special guest was the Southend United footbal captain (Rubens favourite team) and surprise guest Dean Marney whose comedy impressions had everyone laughing all evening.
Pin ItRecently I was honoured to be asked to cover the wedding of Taylor and Nateisha at the Westcliff hotel in Southend. Although the weather wasn't the greatest (rain all day) the inside of the hotel held many different places for photographs to be taken.
The day started with Nateisha getting ready at her mums house, it was great fun to sit back and capture the images of everything going on. Because of the weather it meant the majority of the images had to be taken inside. Time to get creative ....
It was a brilliant day, click on the video above to see some more of the images.
Last night I travelled over to Southend to meet up with the bride and groom who are getting married this Friday, it's going to be a great day and is destined to be full of laughs.
We talked through the complete day and set all the timings (which will all change) and generally answered all the questions as they came up.
Above is the last portrait shoot I carried out before leaving Louisiana. It was taken at the Fairview riverside State park near Mandeville (i think). A really great place with lots of interesting backgrounds. Because it was a weekend and a very popular spot there were a lot of Rv's parked as familys settled in to relax.
I had a truely great time in New Orleans and am already looking forward to my next visit.
Last time I was in New Orleans we had talked about going fishing but never actually managed to find time. This was not a mistake that was to be repeated.
The day started at 3am with a trip across Lake Pontchatrain to meet up with Randys cousin Keith who had the boat already loaded. A short stop to pick up some shrimp as bait and we headed out. The picture is of the boat being launched, the video is a short clip of the ride to where we were fishing. if you hadn't realised the area was used in the filming of the James Bond movie, Live and Let Die and featured big boat chases and stunts.
Between us we caught several fish which included, Red fish, halibut, stingrays and a few others which I can't remember.We returned to land wet and a little sunburnt but on the whole happy. As the saying goes, "A bad days fishing is better than a good day at work".
Several games were played throughout the day which included an egg throwing contest which was very funny. Incredibly it was won by the youngest entrants who although they never actually managed to catch their egg it didn't break.
I've been takingh some pics of the local wildlife recently so look out for that in the next few days.
Crawfish are a Louisiana delicacy, a small lobster type creature that live in the mud (nick named mud bugs). Boiled up with various Kajun spices and fruits they make excellent eating.
There's a trick to eating them, twist the head pinch the tail then suck out the meat ...... it must be a Lousiana thing because it took me 3 attempts to get one, guess i'll just have to keep practising.
Pin ItOccasionally I get really lucky and this weekend was no exception. I was chosen to photograph Corie and Josh's fantastic wedding in Amite, Louisiana (near New Orleans).
Click on the photograph or here to view some of the pictures.
Because I had a shot a wedding on the previous Sunday it meant I hadn't managed to get a flight till the Wednesday. So there was little time for a pre wedding planning meeting or reconnaissance of the venue. To add to that I was told that for the previous week it had pretty much rained every day, so it was looking likely that the English weather had come in front of me.
However on the day the sun came out and gave us a fantastic day to work with, i don't think I've ever worked with so much light, a truly fantastic event.
On Sunday I had the honour of photographing Emma and Barrys wedding.
The venue they had chosen for the reception was the Royal majestic. I've photographed several functions at this location, as a photographer this is a great venue. There's a large area to the rear of the hotel with some interesting garden areas, across the road there's a lake and the actual venue is large enough to cope easily with large groups.
An added bonus for Sundays party was that they had booked fantastic band (mixed feelings). I've seen mixed feelings many times at functions all over the UK and I can honestly say they have never failed to ensure everyone packs the dancefloor all night, as you can see in the top image even the toast master (Howard Robbins) couldn't resist :-).
All in all a fantastic wedding and a great time was had by all.
Now I really, really must start packing for Saturdays wedding (6,000 miles away) ....
I first saw this about a year ago but thought it so touching it deserved to be shared. This is not a fake and is absolutely true. The two brothers were interviewed recently and stated that they believed Christian had moved further north in Africa.
Another piece of proof that the internet can be used to retell old stories to new generations.
As any mother will tell you babys change on a daily basis. it's always a complete joy to be asked to capture a new born in the very first days of its life.
Click on the picture or here to see a slideshow of some of the images. I was lucky enough to be asked to capture some images of this young guy as he was welcomed by the rest of his family (including his big sister).
In true new borm style he slept through the whole shoot only waking in the very last few images to be taken.
I noticed today that ITV (TV company) are laying off a large number of staff and are stopping the production of some of their programmes. This fascinates me as it fits perfectly in to some ideas I've been putting on paper recently (due as an e-book soon). ITV claims that because of the world wide economic crisis and the fact that major businesses have no money to spend advertising on their channel they are having to take these measures. I beg to differ. I believe the reason is because their business model no is longer relevant and has stopped working.
For years the successful way to attract more customers has been to shout louder than your opposition. If you wanted to make more sales you took out a larger advert or ran it more often. It started in newspapers then as technology moved on it went to radio and then TV. This was fine and worked well when the choice was reasonably restricted. People had to sit and watch adverts as there was little choice, now what happens in every household when the adverts come on is either the TV gets turned over or the toilet gets used. We have all chosen to ignore the marketeers adverts. The hard truth that ITV is being taught by it's traditional advertisers is the shotgun type of advertising to the masses no longer works.
As a consumer why would I watch something I don't want to? All I have to do is switch over, and that's if i want to sit in front of the TV. I now have the internet and all the endless possibilities that that can offer, why watch someone elses channel when if I wanted to i could create my own at no cost? If i want information on my favourite NFL team (New Orleans saints) I don't look in my local paper, I read the Times Picayune website. I can then join any number of forums and talk to other like minded people about issues that interest me.
TV is not going to survive in its current state for much longer (except the BBC which is funded without advertising), newspapers are also in the same situation. Radio has a better chance because of its unique arrangements with the motorcar.
So if spending money on advertising in the traditional places no longer works, how should a business go about finding new customers? Well to hear my ideas about that you're going to have to wait a little longer (till I've finished my e-book) :-)
Has facebook created it's own downfall by getting too greedy? Before you read this understand i'm not personally opposed to facebook. I don't like some of it's terms and conditions but on the whole it's a positive thing.
For those who aren't aware facebook is a social networking site that is very popular (yes I'm a member) millions of people regularly use it to keep in touch and store images etc.
The problem many people (photographers especially) have with facebook is that they claim (yet to be legally challenged) that they own the right to everything that anyone uploads onto their website. Now if you're a photographer and someone uploads an image that means that facebook now owns all rights to reproduce it. For the majority of people they don't see it as a problem. However what they don't realise is, if for some reason they are thrust into the public limelight, lottery winner, X factor or maybe on a murder charge, facebook will sell every image and every word you ever wrote to the highest bidder.
How many people would want their drunken stag/hen night pictures on the front page of a news paper? That's exactly what is happening to everyday people and facebook are earning the money from it.
Recently facebook tried to change their terms and conditions to say that even if you left the group they still had the rights to all of your stuff. What happened was some eagle eyed bloggers noticed the change and began informing the world. Very quickly facebook realised they could be in trouble and issued statements trying to explain their stance. Two days after the managing director withdrew the changes and reinstated the old terms claiming they were reviewing their stance.
Have they left it too late? What they need to realise is nobody owns a social network, they are just entrusted by their members with it. If they try and enforce rules and regulations onto it they will leave in their millions as people did with myspace. The internet has changed the world and now more than ever before the customer is king.
I've recently restarted writing a project I first began probably twelve months ago, I feel it has become more relevant in today's market and I'm hoping it will be a big help to anyone willing to listen. Every day I'm adding a bit more and the plan is to release it to the photographers who've signed up for my free photography tips on my main website (go to and click on the tips section, sign up its free).
Anyway whilst doing some research it occurred to me how the music industry is now going back to historical ways of earning money. The Internet has changed the way music is bought, in truth most people under 30 don't buy music any more, they just take it. Now as much as the music industry threaten and occasionally take a few people to court the music industry cannot beat what is happening (incidentally nor can photographers).
In the days before records (and mega big deals) performers and bands would travel around putting on shows and making a living that way. What happened as records became available the tours were geared to selling the new album / record etc and less about making money. What's happening now is the complete reverse, brand new bands are now releasing music free to download to attract people to their tours.
I guess the lesson is the rules of business have changed. The big companies can no longer just destroy the small competition by outspending them, the time for the small business is here and now. There has never been a better time for a small business to pitch itself against the big boys.
Ok so i know the english are famous for making small talk about the weather but you've got to admit we have got something to talk about.
A few days ago the field at the bottom of my road was full af laughing and screaming families knee deep in snowball fights and building snowmen. Today when i went down there the river had burst it's banks and completely floooded a massive area.
The photograph i've attached was taken on my phone (blackberry quality is pretty poor). The circle of logs sticking up in the air is in fact a kiddies play area that was put in last summer. This is normally about 15 metres fropm the river bank. I would guess it's at least two foot under water at the moment. The bridges accross the water are impossible to reach unless you use a boat.
The weather men are saying we had a months worth of rain last night in 8 hours. Hmmm all of a sudden New Orleans is looking very inviting again.
It seems like so long ago since I was in New Orleans. One of the last things I did before I left was a very quick family portrait session for Debbie with her mum and dad (or should that be mom and pop?).
Congratulations to Howard Robbins and his beautiful new wife Janine on their excellent wedding.
Every wedding is different, some organised, some less so but when one of the highest ranking toastmasters in the country is getting married it's like a military operation.
The actual wedding took place on New years eve with the party going on till the early hours of 2009. It was a truly fantastic day and the guest list read like a who's who of the wedding industry. Some of the best caterers, toastmasters, photographers, videoographers in the country were there to wish the couple the very best.
It felt great to spend new years eve at a party where I knew a lot of the guests.The reception was at the Royal Majestic which is fast becoming a very popular venue in London.
It was one of those jobs where you new everything had been taken care of, including the excellent "surprise" entertainment after the meals.
Even though he was the groom he just couldn't help making sure everyone was briefed correctly .... "Howard that's why you have a toast master ... lol"
First things first if you're reading this today, happy new year!
As a pro photographer on of the biggest challenges of a winter wedding is the lack of light. Especially if like me you love to shoot out side. Capturing a good exposure in the dark can be extremely challenging and takes a lot more than putting the camera in programme mode and attaching a flash. At the same time the Bride and groom are normally freezing and all they want to do is get back into the warm.
I was lucky in the early part of my photography career there were no digital cameras and I used a manual Hasselblad. exposure and flash settings all had to be worked out manually which meant unless you didn't want to stay in the business long you soon learnt how to work out the best settings for different lighting. I guess with modern cameras we've all become a little bit spoilt, but it's occasions like the one above (taken last week) that can separate the people who take pictures and those that make them.
A piece of advice for anyone wanting to learn photography would be, go and buy a cheap film manual camera and learn how shutterspeeds and apertures work together. Modern cameras are fantastic at working out exposures but they can't think and can (and often do) get things wrong.