Tuesday, December 22, 2009

A Christmas visit

Christmas is all about the kids and I'm lucky enough to have two great young god children who their Dad was kind enough to bring round the other day. You could literally see the pleasure in their eyes as the day gets nearer, purely magical.

Whilst they were here they decorated some special Christmas Biscuits two of which now have pride of place on the Christmas tree. Take a look at this short video showing some of the fun we had. We also ventured outside for a while but the snow meant we didn't stay out too long.

On another thought I've just about finished driving around delivering various photography type gifts ordered by my clients. It's amusing meeting in lay-byes, distant pubs and work locations as couples try and keep their gift ideas secret from each other. This year I had the fun of meeting a husband in one location and his wife in another location (an hour later), neither of them new about the others idea and I was sworn to secrecy by both of them. I guess it shows they both loved the pictures we took earlier in the year.

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