Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Run Phot-Boy Run

So about a year ago I took a look at myself and didn't like too much of what I saw. Too many hours in front of a computer after having a physical life previously had taken its toll. So I set out to do something about it. With a new pair of trainers I set about a regular running routine of 5 runs a week (taking weekends off). When I first started it was a little over 3 miles (walk run ... mostly walking if I'm honest). I'm now up to 7.5 miles a day and it's taking the same amount of time!

Over the weeks/ months the pace has got faster the distance further and the weight less. There's been highs and lows which have included weight loss, weight gain, injuries and bad weather but every day (barring injury) the miles have been clocking up till I reached a significant goal yesterday.

Yesterday I passed the 1,000 mile mark since I started using the map my run website. This website has been even easier to use since i got my i-phone and downloaded their free app. Without going into a total love fest what it does is track your route and time then uploads it to the website so you have a permanent record over the weeks/months/years of your achievements. It also gives you in run information i.e how many miles you've covered how long you've run for etc all whilst listening to your music, or if you're like me whatever book you're into.

But the best thing is I haven't changed my diet at all. I still treat myself occasionally to fish and chips and my fair amount of Guinness.

I'm still a long way from where I want/need to be but the miles are clocking up. Seriously thinking about a half marathon this year and who knows maybe next year .......

**OFFICIAL DISCLAIMER** What I call running when compared to the rest of the world may not be the same thing, but it works for me :-)

EDIT, I've been asked to let you know the software I use here's the link to the running I-Phone app
Here's the web page you'll need an account on to use it properly (its also free)


  1. Hey, Martin. Why not share with us the software you're using to track the miles. I'm sure many of us will want to check it out. BTW, congrats on your 1,000 milepost. Keep on truckin'. Paul@KodaMaXPhotography

  2. I've now added the links to the running website and also the free i phone app. Hope you enjoy them.


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