Sunday, April 11, 2010

Free Photography Training Day in Essex


I was doing a bit of back reading on my blog the other day and I realised it's been a while since I've run one of my lifestyle portrait training days. I love holding these days and to me one of the best parts has always been seeing the theory put into practise by the people who came. However there's always been a drawback in that previously I've charged for this service which I realise has restricted some peoples abilities to attend. This saddens me as I've always loved sharing my techniques and encouraging others to go for it when taking pictures.

However things have changed! I'm super excited to write about this today on my blog as I've just finished putting the final pieces together that makes it possible to hold this event at no charge. A major reason behind that fact is the day has been sponsored by Crooked imaging. Those that know me know that I'm pretty careful about who I do business with and who I allow myself to be associated with, have no doubt I only promote products and businesses who I have a firm belief in. Crooked imaging is an on-line photography accessory website that provides an excellent service providing often hard to get widgets for the UK market. Please before you buy anything for your photography needs check out the website here . Simon who runs the site has an excellent knowledge of his products and provides an excellent reference when you're looking for something that will make your life that little bit easier. Those that are coming on the 8th May (join my facebook group for full details) will be able to meet him and see he's a genuine guy.

Those people that have already joined my facebook page (click on the fanpage link on the right) will know for the last couple of weeks I've been organising the FREE training day for anyone who wants to come. It's something I'm super excited about and I feel sure it's going to be the start of something really big. If things go well I've got thoughts of making it a regular event and I'm determined to keep it free (or as close as it can be) to ensure anyone who wants to come along can do.

The full details of the first free portrait training day are on the facebook page here join the group and add yourself to the event (on the left of the page) so I know who's coming. There's no catch and I promise I won't try and convert you to any strange or weird religious cults.

I'm really looking forward to meeting you.

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