Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Photography as a Business

I get a lot of e-mails, phone calls and the occasional letter from people from all over the world asking about photography. I must admit, I love helping people and seeing them succeed. I get a real buzz when someone e-mails me their work and says they used one of my tips. It may take me a little while if I'm busy, but I promise I do look at them all.

It was to try and help these for these people that I started my free photography e-mail course (sign up from my web page under the tips section). This also meant I didn't have to spend so long answering each and every e-mail.

The free photography tips have been a huge success. Many of the people have added themselves to my friends map in fact nearly 1000 fellow photography lovers (take a look on the bottom right of this blog, add yourself I'd love to see who you are). However I know that the best way to impart knowledge is to actually show someone and so the "Day of Discovery" course was born. I've had such a ball meeting you all and showing you the tricks that I use that help me get the shots. I absolutely love these days and have thoroughly enjoyed meeting the people who have come on them. Some making mammoth journeys to spend the day (Germany is the record so far). For anyone interested the next one is on the 1st July see my site for the details.

However because I like to think of everyone who carries a camera as a friend I realise there's a few of you out there who want to actually take the plunge and make a living from photography. There are also some of you who have taken the plunge that need a little help. I know from experience that gaining customers can be really hard so I've put together a slide show that I hope will give you some ideas on how to search out those important clients. I really hope you find it of use and who knows maybe you might want to join us for the "shoot to Sell" course next month.

1 comment:

  1. Great synopsis of your course and wonderful advice. After all the 30-second pitches and 'get your tagline down' speeches I've heard, it's refreshing to see and hear someone analyse how to get more work so succinctly. It costs WAY more (time, effort and money) to get new clients than it does to grow your existing business.


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