Monday, May 21, 2007

Just Do It!

I love the Nike phrase, just do it. I wish I had though of it as it fits in perfectly with many of my thoughts on life and business.

I firmly believe that If we all did what other people told us to, no forward movement would ever be made. There are too
many people who are willing to give "advice" that will ensure that the person receiving it doesn't move forward (and do better than the advice givers).

I find customers are bored rigid with safe and normal things and leap at things that are different. For
example when I started my mad bride photographs (see below) wedding photographers began asking if i had lost the plot! I had many conversations which went along the lines of .... but Martin your going to scare away customers. What they (and most other business people) failed to realise was that I couldn't deal with everybody! There are millions of weddings a year and I can't photograph all of them (nor would i want to if i could). So if I put off the people who didn't get me than I was doing both them and me a big favour.

Actually what happened when Ii began using these adverts was the complete opposite, I got more referrals from this style of advertising than any other printed media I have ever used. I have no doubt that some brides may have been put off when they saw these images but the ones who did get in touch where right on my wave length!

Take it from me if you truly believe something is right ...... Just do it! (Just don't bet your house on it).

For those that maybe interested in my "shoot to sell course" I finally managed to tie the date down for the next one. It will be over the 8th and 9th october this year. It is designed to help photographers who want their business to grow or new photographers who want to start. It is two whole days of marketing and sales. See my blog for comments from the last batch of students, if you're interested drop me an e-mail.

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