Monday, July 17, 2006

Only Fools on Horses

Saturday night saw the final of the only fools on horses competition. for anyone who's missed it or not from the UK the basic concept was celebrities were taught to ride horses and then how to jump and competed against each other.

I was lucky enough to be offered a VIP ticket to the final and went along (it was held at Towerlands Arena Braintree not far from where I live). I wish I could say what a thrilling night of energy and fun it was but unfortunately it was anything but. Because it was the Sports relief night the programme was recorded in lots of little bits and for a spectator in the arena it never really got going. The first thing that happened was everyone had to practise clapping and then clapping and cheering and then build up from small applause to a big cheer etc. All very false, the crowd also had to practise the ooohs and ahhhs incase a horse refused or a rider fell.

All in all it was an OK experience but because of they way it was recorded (they didn't want to show it live in case of a major accident) made the evening a bit boring. Having said that all the celebs seemed genually nice with a special mention to Sally Gunnel who went out to meet members of the public whilst the rest were guarded by a Gestapo like security.

No chance of any pics inside the arena though, the Gestapo security saw to that, even with no flash the movement could have upset the horses apparently, yeah right and a crowd being whipped into clapping and cheering frenzy wouldn't!

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