Tuesday, April 27, 2010

The shots you never see

So last Sunday saw the opening weekend for the British American football league which has recently been renamed British American Football Association Community League (BAFACL).  As always whenever I get chance I travel with the Colchester Gladiators to cover the games.

it's inevitable when going through post production there's always those shots that never see the light of day, the ones that nobody (except me) ever sees.  Above is one of those shot's, I'd been tracking the player running with the ball towards the endzone and just as he approached the score line and a crunch tackle was about happen I panned straight into the goal post and captured the above image.  Oooops!

Over the years I've got hundreds of shots like this, maybe the ref sticks his arm up straight across the lens or a player runs in front and causes the autofocus to be confused.  At the end of the day it just comes down to trying to be in the right place at the right time and luck. 

1 comment:

  1. I gues we all have a lot of similar shots :D Not so long time ago I was cleaning and sorting my photo maps and delted almost 70 % from sport shots :)


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