Thursday, November 24, 2011

Ashleys Senior Pictures in New Orleans

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Last weekend we has great fun taking senior pictures in the down town New Orleans area with Ashley.  It was a super fun session and whilst we photographed Ashleys mum circled around us in the car as a moving changing area for Ashley.

 As you can see from the pictures we had a great time in and around the French Quarter which really is an amazing place for photographs to be taken.  Every back alley and side-street offers new interesting opportunities. 

You can see a selection of images from the shoot in the slideshow below.  You can also download this slideshow to i-tunes (and from there add it to your i-phone / i-pad) by clicking this link.


  1. Love the first shot especially Martin. Working overseas clearly agrees with you!

  2. Anonymous6:24 AM

    Way to go! I shared Ashley's shoot on my FB page. I hope that is alright.
    ~Amanda "Abby" Bass


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