OK confession time. I haven't added anything to the blog for about a month and that's really bad. However in my defence I had a lot of work to get finished before I flew out to Louisiana to photograph Maegan and Franks wedding in New Orleans last Saturday (pics to follow soon). I've been busy since I landed a couple of weeks ago and have another six weeks work intermingled with fun before I have to return to the UK, It's times like this I realise I truly do have the best job in the world. But I fully intend on adding more stuff on here over the next few weeks.

Today I did something totally new. I had the honour of being asked to talk about my business and the way I work to various high school classes at the Central High School near Baton Rouge. This was a real treat and an honour for me. It's not unusual for me to be asked to talk to groups before but previously these have been businessman or other photographers so to talk to students at the start of the professional lives was a real treat and I hope they took away some ideas they can use in a positive way in their own chosen professions..
Not all (in fact very few) of the students had much of an interest in photography as a career choice so I aimed the majority of my talk to be general business ideas and centred the whole talks about two things. Being remarkable and the advantages it can bring and finally the ways of achieving excellence in the eyes of clients.
I always find when I teach I learn a few things myself, today they included, the English accent in America is a great advantage, the TV show Glee isn't a totally accurate view of real life in an American high school and teenagers throughout the world are pretty much the same, with the same worries, concerns and thoughts.
All in all a fascinating day and I must say a huge thank you to Miss Phenald and all her classes today for listening to my talk, and their interesting and often searching in-depth questions.
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