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This Sunday was one of the snowiest days I've ever seen in England, I honestly don't remember snow like this for this long so early in the year. Being an Essex wedding photographer the weather is not normally this exciting so I was really pleased to be shooting in a different environment.
I travelled down to meet Gemma and Paul who had contacted me recently after being recommended from one of last years weddings. Gemma and Paul are planning to get married in St Lucia this year and will have a wedding blessing in the UK on their return. As always when they got in touch I offered a free shoot so they could experience and see first hand my style. You can see their images in a short slide show below. You can also download it free from i-tunes by clicking here. You can then add it to an i-phone or i-player.
If your getting married this year and are considering a photographer, take me up on the free engagement shoot offer .... be quick the diary is filling up and when i get too busy the offer will end. Tel 01376 567995
Pin It About a week ago I received and e-mail enquiry from a lady in San Francisco enquiring if it would be possible for me to photograph her mother who lives just outside Milton Keynes in a small village called Stony Stratford.
I love the way that my style of photography doesn't keep me chained to a studio meaning I can jump in my car and travel to my clients allowing me to capture them in their natural environment.
I really enjoyed meeting Julie and over coffee we chatted and Julie showed me a collection of family photographs and filled me in on parts of her history.
There were so many treasured memories wrapped up in photographs giving a permanent reminder to moments in time, docmenting children, grandchildren and great grandchildren.
The shoot happened to coincide with a very heavy snowfall the night before. As a result we decided the best approach would be to work inside (where it's warm) and only ventured into the garden for a few pictures.
Luckily for my journey home the roads were all clear and the journey which was supposed to take two hours (according to google) actually took two hours. I think many people had decided to stay at home which made traffic light, i guess they just don't love their jobs like me .....