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Has facebook created it's own downfall by getting too greedy? Before you read this understand i'm not personally opposed to facebook. I don't like some of it's terms and conditions but on the whole it's a positive thing.
For those who aren't aware facebook is a social networking site that is very popular (yes I'm a member) millions of people regularly use it to keep in touch and store images etc.
The problem many people (photographers especially) have with facebook is that they claim (yet to be legally challenged) that they own the right to everything that anyone uploads onto their website. Now if you're a photographer and someone uploads an image that means that facebook now owns all rights to reproduce it. For the majority of people they don't see it as a problem. However what they don't realise is, if for some reason they are thrust into the public limelight, lottery winner, X factor or maybe on a murder charge, facebook will sell every image and every word you ever wrote to the highest bidder.
How many people would want their drunken stag/hen night pictures on the front page of a news paper? That's exactly what is happening to everyday people and facebook are earning the money from it.
Recently facebook tried to change their terms and conditions to say that even if you left the group they still had the rights to all of your stuff. What happened was some eagle eyed bloggers noticed the change and began informing the world. Very quickly facebook realised they could be in trouble and issued statements trying to explain their stance. Two days after the managing director withdrew the changes and reinstated the old terms claiming they were reviewing their stance.
Have they left it too late? What they need to realise is nobody owns a social network, they are just entrusted by their members with it. If they try and enforce rules and regulations onto it they will leave in their millions as people did with myspace. The internet has changed the world and now more than ever before the customer is king.
Here's a group against facebook selling your images join up if you feel that what they are doing is wrong, send them a message that their customers aren't happy.
I've recently restarted writing a project I first began probably twelve months ago, I feel it has become more relevant in today's market and I'm hoping it will be a big help to anyone willing to listen. Every day I'm adding a bit more and the plan is to release it to the photographers who've signed up for my free photography tips on my main website (go to and click on the tips section, sign up its free).
Anyway whilst doing some research it occurred to me how the music industry is now going back to historical ways of earning money. The Internet has changed the way music is bought, in truth most people under 30 don't buy music any more, they just take it. Now as much as the music industry threaten and occasionally take a few people to court the music industry cannot beat what is happening (incidentally nor can photographers).
In the days before records (and mega big deals) performers and bands would travel around putting on shows and making a living that way. What happened as records became available the tours were geared to selling the new album / record etc and less about making money. What's happening now is the complete reverse, brand new bands are now releasing music free to download to attract people to their tours.
I guess the lesson is the rules of business have changed. The big companies can no longer just destroy the small competition by outspending them, the time for the small business is here and now. There has never been a better time for a small business to pitch itself against the big boys.
Ok so i know the english are famous for making small talk about the weather but you've got to admit we have got something to talk about.
A few days ago the field at the bottom of my road was full af laughing and screaming families knee deep in snowball fights and building snowmen. Today when i went down there the river had burst it's banks and completely floooded a massive area.
The photograph i've attached was taken on my phone (blackberry quality is pretty poor). The circle of logs sticking up in the air is in fact a kiddies play area that was put in last summer. This is normally about 15 metres fropm the river bank. I would guess it's at least two foot under water at the moment. The bridges accross the water are impossible to reach unless you use a boat.
The weather men are saying we had a months worth of rain last night in 8 hours. Hmmm all of a sudden New Orleans is looking very inviting again.