I had a really busy weekend!
Firstly Saturday morning I had a family portrait shoot. The young fella you see in the picture here was one of the stars of the shoot. He was only two weeks old and in fairness was as good as gold and hardly made a squeek. (i'll put up a slide show once the family have seen the images).
It was whilst I was on the way to the portrait shoot I took another call on my mobile from someone I used to work with a long time ago. He'd got married in Florida and was having a small party in the UK tonight, was there any chance .......
So I finally get home at about 2 o'clock on Sunday morning and download the images. Sunday I travelled up to Chesterfield in Derbyshire to meet up with a few photographers. It's nice to sit down with other like minded folk and share ideas and see what the latest gossip is. Several hours of technical and business talk later it was time to come home having made some new friends.