On Sunday I had the honour of photographing Emma and Barrys wedding.
The venue they had chosen for the reception was the Royal majestic. I've photographed several functions at this location, as a photographer this is a great venue. There's a large area to the rear of the hotel with some interesting garden areas, across the road there's a lake and the actual venue is large enough to cope easily with large groups.
An added bonus for Sundays party was that they had booked fantastic band (mixed feelings). I've seen mixed feelings many times at functions all over the UK and I can honestly say they have never failed to ensure everyone packs the dancefloor all night, as you can see in the top image even the toast master (Howard Robbins) couldn't resist :-).
All in all a fantastic wedding and a great time was had by all.
Now I really, really must start packing for Saturdays wedding (6,000 miles away) ....
I first saw this about a year ago but thought it so touching it deserved to be shared. This is not a fake and is absolutely true. The two brothers were interviewed recently and stated that they believed Christian had moved further north in Africa.
Another piece of proof that the internet can be used to retell old stories to new generations.
As any mother will tell you babys change on a daily basis. it's always a complete joy to be asked to capture a new born in the very first days of its life.
Click on the picture or here to see a slideshow of some of the images. I was lucky enough to be asked to capture some images of this young guy as he was welcomed by the rest of his family (including his big sister).
In true new borm style he slept through the whole shoot only waking in the very last few images to be taken.
I noticed today that ITV (TV company) are laying off a large number of staff and are stopping the production of some of their programmes. This fascinates me as it fits perfectly in to some ideas I've been putting on paper recently (due as an e-book soon). ITV claims that because of the world wide economic crisis and the fact that major businesses have no money to spend advertising on their channel they are having to take these measures. I beg to differ. I believe the reason is because their business model no is longer relevant and has stopped working.
For years the successful way to attract more customers has been to shout louder than your opposition. If you wanted to make more sales you took out a larger advert or ran it more often. It started in newspapers then as technology moved on it went to radio and then TV. This was fine and worked well when the choice was reasonably restricted. People had to sit and watch adverts as there was little choice, now what happens in every household when the adverts come on is either the TV gets turned over or the toilet gets used. We have all chosen to ignore the marketeers adverts. The hard truth that ITV is being taught by it's traditional advertisers is the shotgun type of advertising to the masses no longer works.
As a consumer why would I watch something I don't want to? All I have to do is switch over, and that's if i want to sit in front of the TV. I now have the internet and all the endless possibilities that that can offer, why watch someone elses channel when if I wanted to i could create my own at no cost? If i want information on my favourite NFL team (New Orleans saints) I don't look in my local paper, I read the Times Picayune website. I can then join any number of forums and talk to other like minded people about issues that interest me.
TV is not going to survive in its current state for much longer (except the BBC which is funded without advertising), newspapers are also in the same situation. Radio has a better chance because of its unique arrangements with the motorcar.
So if spending money on advertising in the traditional places no longer works, how should a business go about finding new customers? Well to hear my ideas about that you're going to have to wait a little longer (till I've finished my e-book) :-)